Let's Get together to celebrate the end of summer!
At the Moose Lodge in Ypsilanti - the new location for our Euchre nights!
We will have their entire side yard which includes a covered patio, picnic tables, bonfire area, pond and Tiki Bar.
Food and Beverages will be provided - more details to follow.
We request $5 at the door from guests to help cover expenses.
FREE to Paid Ann Arbor Ski Club Members
You must be age 21 or over, or accompanied by parent or guardian.
Many asked about ways to join the Moose Lodge. I spoke with their President who supplied the following link:
mooseintl.org , click BE A MOOSE to join, USE SPONSOR #19577046
**SPECIAL OFFER-At our meeting on September 8th at the Moose Lodge, you can join that night and waive the $20 administration fee. Applications will be available at the membership table.