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Ann Arbor Ski Club Weekly Newsletter

Ann Arbor Ski Club Weekly Reminder oEvents and Activities

7 . 5 . 2020

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A2SC Invades Alaska

April 2012


Photo Credit: Liz Perri


State of the Club

The Ann Arbor Ski Club
has suspended all club activities
(except virtual ones)
until further notice.

Latest COVID information from the State of Michigan

No Approved  2020-2021 Ski Trips

...For Now

The BOD  disapproved trips proposed by the Ski Trips Committee on the grounds that it was too great a risk at this time.

The Trip Planning Committee and BOD still hope to put together a Schuss Instructional trip, one to Terrace Inn, and one or more Out West.

They plan on revisiting the issue in August or September when we'll be closer to prospective travel dates. And, we'll be further along in the world's response to the Covid pandemic.

Membership Year Extended

  • The club's Board of Directors elected to extend current memberships until 31-AUG-2020.
  • The membership fee for the 2020 - 2021 season has not been set.
  • Membership renewal will not begin until after 1-AUG-2020.


Next August

Trips !

Ski Trip's are on hold until late Summer or early Fall.  The September bike trip is on the calendar and taking applications.  See below.

This trip IS open for sign-ups.

Bayshore Resort

Leelanau Peninsula

September 18 - 20

Still on the Calendar!

The trip leaders thank you for your understanding.

Up North  Late Summer Weekend Bike Trip
Hosted by:  Joe Knopp and Bonnie Marsalese

To get on the list click through to the event

Download, fill out, and send in your application with a check.

The check will be held until closer to the event.  If the bike trip happens your check will get cashed.  If not, the check gets destroyed. 

It's the simplest procedure for these uncertain times.


Joe Knopp is also on the Board and is Chairman of the Alternative Trips Committee


Around Town

Not-Now-Kapow !

This Month is Cancelled!
Making Tracks
Photo Credit: Nancy Parsons

Coronavirus Page

at the National Center for Disease Control (CDC).

They have a self-checker.


Member News & Tips

Happy Independence Day

I'm a Cranky Hanky Panky

There's a feeling comes a-stealing
And it sets my brain a-reeling
When I'm list'ning to the music of a military band
Any tune like "Yankee Doodle"
Simply sets me off my noodle
It's that patriotic something
That no one can understand
"Way down South in the land of cotton"
Melody untiring
Ain't that inspiring!
Hurrah! Hurrah! We'll join the jubilee
And that's going some
For the Yankees, by gum!
Red, white and blue
I am for you
Honest, you're a grand old flag
You're a grand old flag
You're a high-flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You're the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave
Ev'ry heart beats true
Under red, white and blue
Where there's never a boast or brag
But should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag
I'm a cranky hanky panky
I'm a dead square honest Yankee
And I'm mighty proud of that old flag
That flies for Uncle Sam
Though I don't believe in raving
Ev'ry time I see it waving
There's a chill runs up my back
That makes me glad I'm what I am
Here's a land with a million soldiers
That's if we should need 'em
We'll fight for freedom!
Hurrah! Hurrah! For ev'ry Yankee tar
And old G.A.R.
Ev'ry stripe, ev'ry star
Red, white and blue
Hats off to you
Honest, you're a grand old flag
You're a grand old flag
You're a high-flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You're the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave
Ev'ry heart beats true
Under red, white and blue
Where there's never a boast or brag
But should old acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag!

You're a Grand Old Flag



Jackie Kilburn sent us this news...

Friday July 10
7-10 pm

$5.00 cover

the parking lot
The Zal Outback

The Mexican food truck, Cosa Sabrosa will be open in the front parking lot.  Tables will be available in the front parking lot for dining. 

Two, scouts are reporting quality food.

Customer parking is behind the Zal and at the (closed) car dealership.  The dealership has a driveway to the south of the building. 

Do not park at Holiday’s as they will be open until 9.  

After you park, enter the front of the building to pay $5.00 admission and for a temperature and mask check. 

Masks are required, except when seated at tables with social companions.

Go to the bar for your drinks and exit from the side door to the back parking lot.  Draft beer and wine may be available outside.  Maintain social distancing while waiting for your drinks and temperature checks.

Dance at your table or designated dancing spaces.  Remember proper social distancing. 

Cancelled if it is raining.

As ever an excellent presentation on the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative.

HWPI Newsletter
Vol 6.06

Back in my day!

And, still today!

Ken Shannon on the road making new friends and looking sharp.  Keep on keeping on!

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Some known ways to be socially close while physically distant.
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Since 1954

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Editor - Dennis Slough

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