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Ann Arbor Ski Club
Weekly Reminder of
Events and Activities

May 20, 2019
Facebook Calendar Contact Us MeetUp 

You're invited

Burns Park Picnic

Thursday, May 23rd  6 – 9:30 PM
Burns Park Warming House, 1200 Baldwin Ave, Ann Arbor

Bring a Dish to Pass

Upcoming Events

Some say "ski club" is a front for popular social activities.  Humors of rappy events round pown tersist!

Two Wheel Monday - Millcreek Park to Hudson Mills
Mon, May 20 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Mill Creek Park North, 8140 Main St, Dexter

Note!  Two Wheel Monday cancelled from

the 27th.  Enjoy your holiday!

Friday Night LIVE - Rhythm Machine Project    
Fri, May 24, 6:30 - 9:00 PM 
LIVE, 102 S 1st St, Ann Arbor

Roamin' Happy Hour
Thu, May 30, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
Ypsi Alehouse, 124 Pearl St, Ypsilanti

Euchre Night  Last Match of the Season!
Fri, May 31, 2019, 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Maplewood Lanes, 830 Woodland Drive East, Saline

Friday Night LIVE - Hoodang   
Fri, May 31, 6:30 - 9:00 PM  
LIVE, 102 S 1st St, Ann Arbor

Sonic Lunch – Laith Al-Saadi 
Thu, June 06, 2019 
Liberty Plaza, 310 S Division St, Ann Arbor

TOP! – Opening Night 
Fri, June 14, 2019  
915 E. Washington St, Ann Arbor


Re-filling the catalog!

 Pedal & Pour - Traverse City
Sep 13 - 15 Hosts: Joe & Bonnie

Terrace Inn - Petoskey
Jan 31 - Feb 2
Hosts: Paula & Lane 
Davos - Switzerland
Feb 7 - 15

Hosts: Lane & Jan 


Breckenridge - Colorado
Mar 7 - 14
Hosts: Greg & TBD 

Two more Out-West trips are in the works.  They will remain a secret until officially approved.  However we can reveal that the 7-day January trip rhymes with Smell-your-hide, while the deep Spring 5-day trip rhymes with  SchmootahKeep it to yerselves!

We'll probably know within a week whether the new two get the official okay.  Details coming soon.

Don't Forget!  Renew! Renew!

One hundred eleven have already checked this off!  Thanks.

Last week's renewal reminder, sent to hundreds of members, was addressed to yours truly, the A2SC Communications Coordinator, instead of you.



Somewhere along the line a macro got replaced by a string.  [Geek explanation.]

We will never speak of this again!

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