Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies of the Ann Arbor Ski Club



Constitution of the Ann Arbor Ski Club. 1

Article I. Name. 1

Article II. Purpose. 1

Article III. Membership. 1

Section 1. Qualification. 1

Section 2. Becoming a Member 1

Section 3. A Member in Good Standing. 1

Section 4. Access to the Constitution and Bylaws 1

Article IV. Officers 1

Section 1. Officers. 1

Section 2. Election of the President. 1

Section 3. Election of other Officers. 1

Section 4. Term of Office. 1

Section 5. Duties 1

Article V. Board of Directors 1

Section 1. Election of the Board of Directors 1

Section 2. Duties of the Board of Directors 1

Section 3. Meeting of the Board of Directors 1

Section 4. Veto Power of the Membership. 1

Article VI. Meetings 1

Section 1. Annual Business Meeting. 1

Section 2. Quorum. 1

Section 3. Annual Report 1

Article VII. Amendments 1

Section 1. Amending the Articles 1

Section 2. Proposing an Amendment 1

Section 3. Notification of Proposed Amendments 1

Section 4. Application of an Amendment 1

Article VIII. Ratification. 1

Article IX. Discontinuance of the Society 1

Bylaws of the Ann Arbor Ski Club. 1

Article I. Membership. 1

Section 1. Age. 1

Section 2. Dues 1

Section 3. Revoking Membership. 1

Section 4. Summer Memberships 1

Article II. Nominations 1

Article III. Elections 1

Section 1. Ballot Tellers 1

Section 2. Board of Directors 1

Section 3. Vice President 1

Section 4. Filling Vacancies on the Board of Directors 1

Section 5. When There Is No Candidate for President 1

Article IV. Meetings 1

Section 1. General Membership Meetings 1

Section 2. The Annual Business Meeting. 1

Section 3. Rules of Order 1

Section 4. Parliamentarian. 1

Article V. Offices 1

Section 1. President 1

Section 2. Vice President 1

Section 3. Secretary 1

Section 4. Treasurer 1

Article VI. Books of Account 1

Article VII. Treasury 1

Section 1. Bond. 1

Section 2. Financial Institution. 1

Section 3. Disbursements 1

Article VIII. Committees 1

Section 1. General 1

Section 2. Business Committees 1

Section 3. Ski Committees 1

Section 4. Activity Committees 1

Section 5. Constitution and Bylaws Committee. 1

Articles IX. General 1

Policies of the Ann Arbor Ski Club. 1

Section 1. Sign-up for Events Requiring Registration. 1

Section 2. Participation of Guests 1

Section 3. Liability 1

Section 4. Refunds 1

Section 5. Cancellation Notification. 1

Section 6. Trip Cancellation. 1

Section 7. Transferability 1

Section 8. Payment Policy 1

Section 9. “Non-Sufficient Fund” (NSF) Checks 1

Section 10. Miscellaneous 1

Section 11. Newsletter Guidelines 1





Constitution of the Ann Arbor Ski Club

Article I. Name

The name of this society shall be the Ann Arbor Ski Club.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the society shall be to promote and encourage skiing and related activities and to provide for organized fellowship, entertainment, and instruction in skiing techniques.

Article III. Membership

Section 1. Qualification

Any adult who is interested in skiing and Club activities is qualified for membership.

Section 2. Becoming a Member

An applicant becomes a member upon payment of annual dues as provided in the Bylaws.

Section 3. A Member in Good Standing

A member in good standing shall be defined as one who has paid the current annual dues; however, membership or its privileges may be revoked or modified as shall be set forth in the Bylaws of this society.

Section 4. Access to the Constitution and Bylaws

Payment of membership dues shall entitle the member to a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws then in force and any other prerogatives then granted by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules of the society.


Article IV. Officers

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of the society shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. Election of the President.

a)   The President shall be elected by secret ballot of a majority of the members in good standing of the society voting in the election to be held at the Annual Business Meeting.

b)   A candidate for President must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

c)   A person may be elected President for a maximum of two (2) terms in succession.

Section 3. Election of other Officers.

a)   The Vice-President shall be elected from the members of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the first Director’s Meeting following the Annual Business Meeting.

b)   The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the members in good standing of the society by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the first Director’s Meeting following the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 4. Term of Office

All officers shall be elected annually. Their terms shall begin on the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected to office and shall continue until their successors have been elected and accepted office.

Section 5. Duties

The officers shall perform the duties legally or customarily attached to their respective offices and other such duties as may be required of them by the Board of Directors.


Article V. Board of Directors

Section 1. Election of the Board of Directors

a)   The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) members.

b)   The President of the society shall be a voting member and presiding officer of the Board of Directors during his or her term of office.

c)   The past President of the society shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors for the year following his or her term as President.

d)   The balance of the initial Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members in good standing of the society elected for two (2) years and four (4) members in good standing of the society for one (1) year, to be chosen at the first Annual Business Meeting.[1]

e)   Sufficient members in good standing of the society shall be elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual Business Meeting to maintain the proper numerical membership as defined in the preceding subsection (d).[2] Up to five (5) members shall be elected for two-year terms, and the remaining members shall be elected for one-year terms.

f)    A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of all of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. The term of any member so elected shall be until the next Annual Business Meeting.

g)   The term of all members of the Board of Directors shall begin on the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting or Board of Directors Meeting at which they are elected and shall continue until their successors have been elected and accepted office.

Section 2. Duties of the Board of Directors

a)   The Board of Directors shall have complete charge and control of the entire general management and property of the organization, and its decision in matters relative to such property shall be final, except as hereinafter noted in Section 4.

b)   The Directors of the organization and each of them in the management of the business affairs and property of the Club, and in the selection, supervision and control of its committees and officers, shall give the attention and exercise the vigilance, diligence, care and skill that prudent members use in like or similar circumstances.

c)   A majority of the Board of Directors must be present at a duly called meeting of the Board to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any action passed by a majority vote of the quorum of the said Board of Directors shall be valid and binding upon the organization, except as hereinafter noted in Section 4.

d)   A majority of the Board of Directors may, by affirmative vote of not less than eight (8) Directors, alter or amend the Bylaws after such proposed alterations or amendments have been considered and prepared for presentation by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

e)   The Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Directors, declare any elected office vacant for the following reasons:

1.   Failure of an officer to perform the duties of the office for a period in excess of two months.

2.   Commission of fraud, deceit, theft, or embezzlement of any property owned or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the society.

3.   Constant and continuous expression of dissatisfaction with the organization and/or its members at places other than the regular meeting of the Board of Directors or the membership.

f)    Provision shall be made at each General membership meeting to review the minutes of the last Board of Directors Meeting.

g)   The Board of Directors, at their meeting, must act upon business referred to said Board by majority vote of the membership in good standing of the society at the regular meeting of the membership.

Section 3. Meeting of the Board of Directors

a)   The newly elected Board shall convene within three (3) weeks following the Annual Business Meeting.

b)   Throughout the remainder of the year, the meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as a majority of the Directors may determine.

Section 4. Veto Power of the Membership

Any action of the Board of Directors may be rendered null and void at the next regular meeting of the membership by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the members in good standing of the society voting on the action.


Article VI. Meetings

Section 1. Annual Business Meeting

An Annual Business Meeting of the Society shall be held once each year, upon such date as provided in the Bylaws, for the purpose of the election of members of the Board of Directors and President of the society, consideration of amendments to the Constitution, and executing any other business that might properly be brought to the attention of the members.

Section 2. Quorum

A quorum for the purpose of transacting business at any meeting of the General Membership shall be fifteen per cent (15%) of the members in good standing of the society.

Section 3. Annual Report

The Board of Directors shall present at the Annual Business Meeting an Annual Report verified by the President or Treasurer showing the whole amount of property and/or other assets acquired or disposed of during their tenure of office.


Article VII. Amendments

Section 1. Amending the Articles

These articles may be amended at the Annual Business Meeting of the membership by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members in good standing of the society voting on the proposed amendment.

Section 2. Proposing an Amendment

Any member may propose an amendment to these articles by securing the signature of ten percent (10%)* of the members in good standing of the society to a petition in which the proposed amendment is set forth, and submitting same to the President at least one month prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

* The minimum number of signatures is 10% of the membership size as of the election for the previous membership year.

Section 3. Notification of Proposed Amendments

Members in good standing shall be notified of the proposed amendment by mail:

a)   in sufficient time to allow its discussion at the last meeting prior to the Annual Business Meeting, and

b)   again seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 4. Application of an Amendment

An amendment shall take effect immediately upon notice of its adoption.

Article VIII. Ratification

This Constitution becomes effective when ratified by letter ballot from a majority of the members in good standing of the society.

Article IX. Discontinuance of the Society

The association may not be discontinued unless three-fourths (3/4) of the members in good standing of the society vote for such discontinuance. All Club assets that remain after payment to creditors shall be contributed to a non-profit organization such as the United States Skiers Association, National Ski Patrol, or United States Ski Team. Three fourths (3/4) of the members in good standing of the society shall determine the recipient organization. The association may not be discontinued until the assets of the society have been delivered to the recipient organization.


Bylaws of the Ann Arbor Ski Club

Article I. Membership

Section 1. Age

An adult shall be defined as any person 21 years of age or over.

Section 2. Dues

Dues shall be $40.00 per person, or $70.00 for married couples annually.  The membership term is from September 1 to August 31 of the following year. The privilege of receiving a newsletter shall be extended thru the October newsletter of the following year for members who have not paid dues. Following this extension period, the privilege of receiving a newsletter shall be suspended until dues are paid. (Revised 03-10-10)

Section 3. Revoking Membership

Membership and/or privileges of membership may be modified or revoked as follows:

a)    Causes.

1.   The commission of a larceny, fraud, deceit, or the theft or embezzlement of any property owned by or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the society;

2.   Behavior that does or would be expected to bring shame, public ridicule, public censure, or conflict with legal authority upon the Society.

b)    Procedure.

1.   Upon occurrence of one or more of these actions set forth in Subsection 3a, any member in good standing may present to the President of the Society a written request for action against the accused member.

2.   The President shall have the discretion to informally resolve the matter, or to bring the matter before the Board of Directors. The President shall notify the Board of Directors in writing of any informal resolution. This notification shall include the complaining member’s written request for action. In the event that either the complaining or accused member is dissatisfied with the course of action chosen by the President, that member may petition the Board of Directors for action.

3.   If three (3) or more Directors should conclude that (a) informal action is not appropriate and (b) there is reason to believe that the complaint has merit, then a formal decision shall be rendered.

c)     Formal Decision.

1.   The accused member shall be given a minimum of ten (10) days actual written notice of the complaint and of the date, time, and location of the Board of Directors meeting at which the complaint shall be resolved.

2.   The matter shall be presented by the complaining member or a designated member in good standing.

3.   Thereafter the accused member may present rebuttal.

4.   The individual directors may question the complaining member, the accused member, and/or the witnesses.

5.   The complaint shall be deemed dismissed unless at least eight (8) Directors vote to censure, suspend, or curtail the rights and/or privileges of membership and/or participation in any of the events or activities of the society in any manner.

Section 4. Summer Memberships

Summer memberships will be available starting after the last meeting of the season in April. Dues shall be $15 per person. Summer members will receive all the privileges of full membership, including newsletters. Summer memberships will expire at the same time each year as the full memberships (August 31).  (Revised 03-10-10)


Article II. Nominations

The Board of Directors shall establish by majority vote a nominating committee consisting of a chairman and a minimum of two members and a maximum of four members not more than 90 days prior to its Annual Business Meeting. The committee shall select by majority vote a minimum of one candidate for each office. The committee shall be terminated upon reporting their selection of candidates to the Membership. Nominations for elective offices may also be made by any member in good standing at the Annual Business Meeting.

Article III. Elections

Section 1. Ballot Tellers

The President shall appoint ballot tellers, a minimum of three (3), a maximum of five (5), for the purpose of distributing, collecting, and counting ballots, and announcing the results of the election. The tellers shall certify in writing to the current Secretary the election results by name and office in the order of votes received, starting with the most votes. Members of the nominating committee and members who are candidates in the election shall not qualify for ballot tellers.

Section 2. Board of Directors

For the Board of Directors, qualified members may vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies on the Board. Board members shall be elected by plurality vote, with available two-year terms being awarded to the candidates with the greatest plurality. In the event of ties for two-year Board vacancies or ties for one-year Board vacancies, run-off elections shall be held between tied candidates.

Section 3. Vice President

In the event that there is no Vice President, due to resignation, removal, or ascension to the presidency, a new Vice President shall be elected from the Board by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the first Board meeting on or after the date the vacancy has occurred.

Section 4. Filling Vacancies on the Board of Directors

Should a vacancy occur on the Board of Directors, then the nominations for that position shall include the next runner-up from the last election for the Board of Directors.

Section 5. When There Is No Candidate for President

If at the Annual Business Meeting there is no candidate for President:

a)   The general membership shall elect one more director(s) than would otherwise be elected.

b)   The current President shall continue in office until the first Board meeting after the Annual Business Meeting, at which time the Board of Directors shall elect one of their number by majority vote to serve as President until the next Annual Business Meeting.


Article IV. Meetings

Section 1. General Membership Meetings

General membership meetings shall be held from September to May of the following year. The Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall determine the dates, times, and places of general membership meetings.

Section 2. The Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting shall be held on one of the general membership meetings within 60 days and prior to the last general membership meeting for the year. The Board of Directors, by majority vote, shall determine the date, time, and place of the Annual Business Meeting subject to the above constraints. If a quorum can not be obtained, the Annual Business Meeting shall be postponed until the next general membership meeting.

Section 3. Rules of Order

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of the Membership in all cases where they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or Bylaws.

Section 4. Parliamentarian

The chairman of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be the Parliamentarian at meetings of the Membership.


Article V. Offices

Section 1. President

The President shall:

a)   Preside at meetings of the general membership and Board of Directors.

b)   Appoint Committees in addition to the standing committees as the need arises to handle matters not coming within the functions of the Nominating or Standing Committees.

Section 2. Vice President

The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President should the President cease to be a member or resign, and shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and Membership in the absence of the President.

Section 3. Secretary

The Secretary shall record the minutes of meetings of the general membership and Board of Directors. The Secretary shall have custody of all books, records, and papers of the Club, except such as shall be in charge of the Treasurer, or of some other person authorized to have custody and possession thereof by a resolution of the Board.

Section 4. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall maintain a complete set of books of account in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. The Treasurer shall make disbursements approved by the Board and shall secure proper vouchers thereof and shall receive and deposit money of the Club in the Club’s bank or savings account. The Treasurer shall prepare any necessary tax or other return (or forms) for governmental agencies.


Article VI. Books of Account

The Board of Directors shall cause the books of account of the Club to be audited as of April 30 of each year by a certified public accountant, appointed by the Board of Directors. The accounting year for accounting purposes shall be from May 1, to April 30 of the following year.

Article VII. Treasury

Section 1. Bond

The Board of Directors shall obtain a bond applicable to the Treasurer and President and Vice President in the sum of twice the cash balance as at April 30, as certified by the certified public accountant.

Section 2. Financial Institution

The money of the Club shall be kept in any financial institution on approval by the Board.

Section 3. Disbursements

Disbursements may be made only by the Treasurer and President (or Vice President in the absence of the President).  (Amended 6-18-02)


Article VIII. Committees

Section 1. General

a)   The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be under the direct management and direction of the Board of Directors.  (Revised 03-10-10)


b)   The standing committees of this organization shall consist of those hereinafter enumerated, and shall be under the management and direction of the Business Coordinator, Ski Coordinator, and Activity Coordinator.  (Revised 03-10-10)

c)   Each coordinator shall report directly to the President and the Board of Directors. 
(Revised 03-­10-10)

d)   Each coordinator shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

e)   Each coordinator shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the committee hereafter enumerated and shall suggest to the President and Board of Directors, subject to their approval, those person(s) who shall chair the committee. The coordinator may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be co- or tri-chairperson(s).

f)    The committee membership shall be at the appointment of the committee chairperson(s) and President unless a majority of the Board of Directors shall conclude otherwise. Chairperson(s) may be co- or tri-chairperson(s). Committees may consist of one or more persons, as appropriate.

g)   Any activities or trips promoted by any committee in the name of the Ann Arbor Ski Club or for which funds of the Club are requested, shall be presented to the Board of Directors in a timely manner for approval prior to the event.  (Added 03-­10-10)

Section 2. Business Committees

The Business Coordinator will be responsible for the organization, coordination and supervision of the five (5) committees listed below. The duties of the Business Coordinator shall include recommending to the President and/or the Board of Directors, as appropriate, responsible person(s) to lead the noted committees. The Business Coordinator shall be responsible for the activities of these committees and shall report directly to the President and Board of Directors. To the extent necessary, the Business Coordinator shall ensure that the actions of the committees are coordinated with activities of other committees of the Club.  (Revised 03-10-10)

The following shall be the standing committees of the Business Coordinator:

a)   General Meeting Committee. The General Meeting Committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of all aspects of the AASC General Meetings including setup, refreshments, education, entertainment and cleanup.  (Revised 03-10-10)

b)   Hospitality Committee. The Hospitality Committee shall welcome new members and answer their questions at membership meetings.  (Revised 03-10-10)

c)   Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall collect the annual dues and shall maintain adequate records of dues collected, member’s names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other pertinent information. The committee, through its coordinator, shall present an adequate accounting of all moneys collected to the Treasurer. The committee shall promulgate and distribute a membership roster and supplements as necessary.  (Revised 03-10-10)

d)   Communications Committee. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for the website, advertising, public relations and the publication of a monthly newsletter.             (Revised 03-­10-10)

e)   Finance Committee.  The Finance Committee and/or the Treasurer shall invest and reinvest in loans, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, including United States bonds purchased at a discount but redeemable at face value, securities, real estate, life insurance, or in any other investment deemed proper by the board of directors; and deal with and give instructions to brokerage firms with respect to the purchase, sale or other disposition of securities and other assets.  The Finance Committee shall add to assets, transfer assets, but shall not withdraw assets from club investment accounts except for reinvestments and transfers without prior majority approval from the Board of Directors.  The Finance Committee shall submit a report quarterly to the Board.  (Revised 03-10-10)

Section 3. Ski Committees

The Ski Coordinator will be responsible for the organization, coordination and supervision of the five (5) committees listed below. These duties shall include recommending to the President and/or Board of Directors, as appropriate, responsible person(s) to lead the noted committees. The Ski Coordinator shall be responsible for the activities of these committees and shall report directly to the President and Board of Directors. To the extent necessary, the Ski Coordinator shall ensure that the actions of the committees are coordinated with activities of other committees of the Club. The following shall be the standing committees of the Ski Coordinator:  (Revised 03-10-10)

a)   Nordic Trip Committee. The Nordic Trip Committee shall arrange local, state, national and/or international ski trips. The committee shall recommend trips and trip leaders for approval to the Ski Coordinator and the President.

b)   Alpine Trip Committee. The Alpine Trip Committee shall arrange local, state, national and/or international ski trips. The committee shall recommend trips and trip leaders for approval to the Ski Coordinator and the President.

c)   Snowboard Committee. The Snowboard Committee shall promote snowboarding activities within the Club.  (Added 03-10-10)

d)   Competition Committee. The Competition Committee shall provide, conduct, and arrange for intra- and inter-club competition.

e)   MDSC Committee. The MDSC Committee shall provide a representative and/or alternate for attendance to the MDSC meetings representing the Ann Arbor Ski Club. The representative or alternate shall report to the Club on MDSC activities.  (Added 03-10-10)

Section 4. Activity Committees

The Activity Coordinator will be responsible for the organization, coordination and supervision of the seven (7) committees listed below. These duties shall include recommending to the President and/or Board of Directors, as appropriate, responsible person(s) to lead the noted committees. The Activity Coordinator shall be responsible for the activities of these committees and shall report directly to the President and Board of Directors. To the extent necessary, the Activity Coordinator shall ensure that the actions of the committees are coordinated with activities of other committees of the Club. The following shall be the standing committees of the Activity Coordinator: (Revised 03-10-10)

a)   Social Committee. The Social Committee shall arrange, coordinate, and supervise non-skiing activities, provided that the activity is not assigned to another activity committee.              (Revised 03-10-10)

b)   Softball Committee. The Softball Committee shall organize and supervise the summer softball league. (Added 03-10-10)

c)   Volleyball Committee. The Volleyball Committee shall organize volleyball games and/or leagues. (Added 03-10-10)

d)   Mountain Biking Committee. The Mountain Biking Committee shall plan mountain biking excursions. (Added 03-10-10)

e)   Tennis Committee. The Tennis Committee shall organize and supervise the tennis league. (Added 03-10-10)

f)    Golf Committee. The Golf Committee shall organize and supervise golf outings and trips. (Added 03-10-10)

g)   Alternative Trips Committee. The Alternative Trips Committee shall organize any other trips not explicitly assigned to other committees.  e.g. bike trips, canoe trips, etc.   (Added 03-10-10)

Section 5. Constitution and Bylaws Committee

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall recommend necessary revisions in or additions to the Constitution or Bylaws to the Board of Directors. This committee shall advise the Board of Directors on matters of interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws, which matter shall be decided by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.

Articles IX. General

Any function at which alcoholic beverages are sold shall be limited to persons who have attained the legal age for which the consumption of Alcohol is required by the state in which the function is held.


Policies of the Ann Arbor Ski Club

Note 1: For the sake of consistency, each new policy should be dated. In the case of a policy being updated, a notation such as “revised 9/28/93” should be made. All board members should have the most recent versions of Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.

Note 2: Careful consideration as to the necessity of any new policy should be given before the Board moves for, and approves any new policy. Some policies in the past have been in conflict with the Constitution, Bylaws, or other policies. Unnecessary policies also create confusion and may have unintended consequences. Policies for specific situations should be worded as such—for example:  I move that the sign-up policy for the 1994 Canoe Trip be as follows...”

            Bruce Tucker

            Constitution & Bylaws Committee

            Total Revision 1-5-94


Note 3: In the following sections, the use of the term member will mean “member in good standing,” and participant will mean “event participant.” Participant shall mean any person signing up for an event, whether or not the person participates on the event. (Revised 9/12/00)

Section 1. Sign-up for Events Requiring Registration

a)   Only a “Member in Good Standing” may sign up for an event (exception in certain cases, see section 1.h.). This includes signing up for wait lists.  Guests can only be signed up by a member, except for events specified by the Board to be open to nonmembers. (Revised 9/12/00)

b)   The term, member, applies to the membership year in which the event is to occur. Members shall be deemed to have complied with this requirement if they have submitted both a Membership Form and the required fee for “Membership” before the end of the day of the sign-up, and qualify under the rules of the Constitution and Bylaws. (Revised 9/12/00)

Note:    A member in good standing is defined in the Constitution of the Ann Arbor Ski Club, Article III. Membership. Further qualifications for membership are defined in the Bylaws of the Ann Arbor Ski Club under Sections 3 and 4

c)   A member may sign up only one additional Member or Guest subject to this and other sections of the bylaws and policies.  (Revised 9/12/00)

d)   If a member signs up for an event and does not comply with this section, both the member’s name and the name of any additional Member or Guest whom they registered will be removed from the event or wait list. (Revised 9/12/00)

e)   Sign-ups for an event may not be taken until after the event information has appeared in the newsletter. (1-5-94)

f)    If sign-ups for an event commence on the date of a meeting, sign-ups will not be accepted until after the meeting. No early sign-ups are allowed, except for the Board-Approved leader(s) of that event.  Each leader may sign up one other person. The Board may approve other positions as reserved spots for the event when the event is approved.  (12-1-98)

g)   Mail-in sign-ups are allowed on all events, but will not be accepted until after the first sign-up date. (1-5-94)

h)   Ski trips are open only to members of the Ann Arbor Ski Club and members of other MDSC ski clubs. Exceptions: certain trips can be approved in advance by the Board for participation by nonmembers. (3/22/01)

i)    A completed registration form must accompany all sign-ups. If the sign-up is for a guest, both the guest and member names must appear on the registration form. (1-5-94)

j)    Event Leaders may petition the Board for a temporary modification of any of the above policies. (Revised 9/12/00).

k)   If an event is full, a member may choose to sign up for the wait list for that event. The same registration process is used as for signing up for an event that is not full. That is, the member must present a check for the initial deposit at the time of registering for the wait list. However, the Event Leader will hold the check; it will not be cashed or deposited. If a place opens for the event, the Event Leader will ask the first person on the wait list if he/she wants to join the trip. If that person says yes, that person’s check will be submitted to the Treasurer and that person is considered to be registered for the event. If subsequent payments are due at that time, the registrant must send those payments to the Event Leader within seven calendar days, or that person will be cancelled from the event and the next person on the wait list will be asked to join the event. However, if the event is scheduled to begin within seven days of this transaction, the balance of the payment for the event is due within 24 hours or before the event begins, whichever is earliest. (Revised 10/10/00

Section 2. Participation of Guests

Note:    For Policy Purposes, a Guest is defined as Any Non-member who is signed up for an Event by a Member.

a)   Participation is limited to members and their guests at all events except general meetings of the membership, membership drive events, and events specifically approved in advance as open to non-members. (1-5-94)

b)   Guests must be signed-up by a member. The member assumes responsibility for the guest. An $8 non-member fee will be added to the cost of all events for non-member guests attending events.  The first two social paying events in the fall will be exempt from this fee and the non-member guest fee will be $5.  (9-5-96)

c)   Members may sign up only one guest or one additional member per event. (1-5-94).

d)   Guests under 21 years of age are not allowed except for the following: i) membership drive events, ii) designated “family trips/events,” and iii) general meetings of the membership.  A parent or legal guardian must accompany guests under 21 years of age. (1-5-94)

Section 3. Liability

Upon signing up for an event, the participant is responsible for the full individual member (and/or nonmember, if applicable) cost of the event, until it is established under the rules of Section 4, 5, and 7 that a refund is applicable. (Revised 9/12/00)

Section 4. Refunds

a)    A participant will not be granted refunds for any irrecoverable losses that occur to the Club because of his/her registration and subsequent cancellation. (Examples of irrecoverable losses are: single supplement for room mate, nonrefundable cost of airline ticket, airline charge for name change, nonrefundable lift tickets, transfers, etc.) (revised 12-12-00)

b)    Refunds will not be granted for any participant who does not cancel in advance (no-show). (1-5-94)

c)   An administrative cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund of any event. The cancellation fee for events costing less than $100 per person will be $10; for events costing between $100 and $399, it will be $20; and for events costing more than $400, it will be $35. (Revised 9-12-00)

d)   Refunds will not be made until after the final event report has been accepted by the Treasurer, except under the following two conditions. (i) If the participant cancels more than 120 days before the event, a refund will be made within 60 days, subject to Sections 4a and 4c. (ii) If the cancellation is made less than 120 days before the event, and if the participant has been replaced by another member (or nonmember, if applicable), deposits of $200.00 or more shall be refunded within 60 days, subject to Sections 4a and 4c above. (Revised 12-12-00)

e)    Refunds of less than $10 will be waived (revised 9-12-00)

f)    Distribution of refunds is the responsibility of the Event Leaders, not the Treasurer. (1-5-94)

Note:    See Section 7b for a further mechanism of obtaining a refund.

Section 5. Cancellation Notification

If a participant wishes to cancel from an event, the procedures under a) or b) must be followed.  Failure to notify the Event Leader as required shall be regarded as “NO SHOW”. (Revised 9/12//00)

a)   For events with duration of one day or less, or events with a cost of less than $100, a participant may cancel only by personally advising the Event Leader of the decision to cancel. The cancellation is not official until it has been confirmed by the Event Leader or by the appropriate coordinator. (Revised 9/12/00)

b)   For events costing more than $100, a participant may cancel only by submitting notification of cancellation in writing to the Event Leader. The cancellation is not official until it is confirmed by the Event Leader or by the appropriate coordinator. (Revised 9/12/00)

Section 6. Trip Cancellation

The Ann Arbor Ski Club reserves the right to cancel any event at any time. If an event is canceled, all monies received will be refunded. (Revised 9/12/00)

Section 7. Transferability

a)    Should a participant cancel from an event, the place reserved by the applicant IS NOT TRANSFERABLE.  Upon receipt of required notification, the Event Leader will then fill the vacancy from the waiting list, if there is one.

b)    If there is no waiting list, or if the event is not full, if the participant who cancels does find a substitute, he/she will receive a refund subject to Sections 4a and 4c within 60 days of the registration by the substitute. (revised 9/12/00)

Note: the substitute must fulfill the requirements of these policies to become a participant.

Section 8. Payment Policy

a)    It is expected that participants will make timely payments according to the event payment schedule. 

b)    If a participant does not make payments according to the event payment schedule, his/her place may be offered to others on the waiting list. This will be treated as a cancellation.  Any refund will be subject to the refund policy.

c)     “Non-Sufficient Fund” (NSF) Checks will be considered the same as if the payment had not been made. (revised 9/12/00)

Section 9. “Non-Sufficient Fund” (NSF) Checks

a)   It is the sole responsibility of the Member to rectify NSF checks. Upon receipt of an NSF check, the Treasurer will notify by mail the person responsible and inform the individual about the relevant Club Policies. Whether this notification letter is received will not alter the execution of the NSF check policies. (10-10-00)

b)   The person responsible has thirty days from the date the Club received the NSF check to correct the deficiency, including any service charges incurred by the Club. (1-5-94)

c)   If the deficiency has not been corrected after the thirty-day period, the person will not be able to participate in any event, nor join/renew membership until the deficiency is corrected. The Club may seek compensation for losses due to the deficiency though legal means. (1-5-94)

d)   If the deficiency is corrected after the thirty-day period, the responsible person may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be put on a cash only basis until the end of the current membership year. Each committee person running an event would be notified that the named person is permitted to participate in an event on a cash basis only. (1-5-94)

Section 10. Miscellaneous

a)   Announcements of non-Club activities are prohibited at meetings or in the newsletter unless prior approval has been obtain from the Board. Members may put notices on the bulletin board for events that are open to all members. (1-5-94)

b)   For accounting purposes, all expenses incurred by officers or committee chairpersons will be borne by the Club. All expenses incurred by the Event Leaders will be borne by the event. All expenses must be supported by receipts. (1-5-94)

c)   All indoor events and buses are non-smoking. (1-5-94)

d)   The amount of two dollars per participant is to be added to every event budget for the purpose of Club expenses, unless the event cost is twenty dollars or less. (Revised 10-07-10)

e)   Events or trips are chaired or co-chaired by Ann Arbor Ski Club members only. (6-5-96)

f)    Due to a lack of infrastructure, we do not allow access to the Ann Arbor Ski Club Boyne Mountain Property. (8-6-96)

g)   The Roster of the Ann Arbor Ski Club is for the sole use of its members.  It is not to be used as a basis for solicitation or other unauthorized purposes.  (3-5-96)

h) The E-mail list of the Ann Arbor Ski Club is not to be used as a basis for commercial solicitation, announcements of non-club activities, or other unauthorized purposes.  The list will be maintained by an email coordinator to be nominated by the club President.   Email addresses used to send messages are not to be revealed in the outgoing messages and the use of “reply all” features must be disabled by the  method used to send the message.  Any requests from members to remove them from the email list must be honored by the email coordinator as soon as is reasonably possible.  These privacy measures are required in order to promote the AASC email message as an item that members will want to receive and distinguish it from being labeled as “spam”.  (12-9-04)

Section 11. Newsletter Guidelines

a)   Size of Newsletter Articles (7/9/95)

      To provide a fair allocation of the limited space available in the newsletter, the following guidelines have been established.

      General: The purpose of the newsletter is to:

1)  Inform the membership of events

2)  Promote events to ensure their success.

      Events that in the opinion of the appropriate coordinator can be expected to fill easily will be restricted to no more than one-quarter page.

1)   Ski Trips

      The Ski Coordinators are encouraged to continue their excellent policy of formatting all their trips on two pages.

2)   Social Events

      First Time Events: Maximum of two thirds of a page for events expecting less than 151 attendees. As an alternative, a one-page flyer printed by Event Leaders may be inserted in the newsletter at no charge.

      1-100 attendees: Maximum of one third of a page.

      101-150 attendees: Maximum of one half of a page.

      151+ attendees: Maximum of two thirds of a page.

b)   Editorial Policy (7/9/95)

      Only the President, as the representative of the Board, shall have the right to provide editorial comment in the newsletter. This right is limited to current issues of concern to the membership or recent decisions made by the Board.

c)   Advertising (7/9/95)

      The Club reserves the right to refuse any advertising it deems vulgar, in bad taste, offensive to the membership or violates the Bylaws or Policies of the Club.

d)   Public Service Announcements (7/9/95)

      Free placement of public service announcements is not permitted in the newsletter. Public service organizations are welcome to pay for advertising space.

[1] This subsection describes the first Board of Directors after the Club was officially organized. It is relevant for the following subsection (e) because it specifies that at least four Board members have terms that expire at the next general election. (6-21-2000)

[2] The number of vacancies on the Board depends on whether or not a new president is elected. If a new president is elected, the former president remains on the Board. The number of vacancies might not be known until after the presidential election has been completed. (6-21-2000)